Sunday, December 31, 2006

Today's Stuff

I set this blog up to have some place to speak my mind.
Some of the topics will be politics, radio, television, you name it
and it may show up here. I will say what I think and there is
a chance you may be offended, but I hope that it makes you
think. Even if you don't agree with me I hope you'll go away
saying "so that's what Mike thinks, ok" And just so you
know in advance I am a conservative with a libertarian
This ride could be Wild.

To Everyone who reads this, I'd like to say, Happy New Year
to you all and to your families.

Mike D.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

Just keep in mind whenever you post something you think is profound use the message boards and promote yourself. Shameless self promotion can sometimes be a good thing. And post on OMW alot, and post yourself as a blogger.

It seems to me that you are also looking for a "purple" state to live in. I could live with a third major party myself.

Happy new year,